Home > Artworks > Angélica Argüelles Kubli

Photo of Angélica Argüelles Kubli Mexico

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June 25, 1963 Mexican Graphic Design graduate of the University Iberoamericana Subsystem 1985 in Illustration. Specializing in oil within the art workshop of Jesus Morales at school of decorative arts, Coyoacan. line-height: 115%; font-family: Georgia '> Exhibitions

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35.43 x 27.56 in
47.24 x 23.62 in
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June 25, 1963 Mexican Graphic Design graduate of the University Iberoamericana Subsystem 1985 in Illustration. Specializing in oil within the art workshop of Jesus Morales at school of decorative arts, Coyoacan. line-height: 115%; font-family: Georgia '> Exhibitions 2004 Group exhibition workshop Jesus Morales, School of Decorative Arts Coyoacan SEP. 2005 Group exhibition workshop Jesus Morales, School of Decorative Arts Coyoacan SEP. 2005, from 21 to 28 February as a special guest group exhibition in painting contest Technical School no. 17 2005 April 22, group exhibition at the Arts Fair, College of Integral Education, humanities and sciences. 2006 Cayomecenas Participation in Spain, Latin American art space http://www.cayomecenas.com/mecenas2136.htm 2008 from of October 12, group show of great talent, Malinche fusion of two cultures, Azcapotzalco Tridimensional Museum 2008 from 18 October, group show of great talent RED color emotions Exconvento desert lions lounge in the library. 2008 October 17 to 13 works participation in the auction to benefit the Institute of Humanities and Sciences Exhibitions individual line-height: 115%; font-family: Georgia "> 2004 Exhibition at the furniture Abric, peripheral sur 2005 Sample Humanities Educational Community Cedihyc Inhumyc. 2007, May 24 to June 3 "The magic of color" Asturian Center of Mexico. 2007, from 11 October to 5 November, solo exhibition "Color and limitless imagination" National Pedagogical University. line-height: 115%; font-family: Georgia "> 2008, from 28 January to 10 January, solo exhibition," Tradition, parties and color "in the event to the embassies in the Camino Real Airport. 2008, 14 April to 26 April, solo exhibition "The world and its color" and commercial banking School Competitions 2007 First Art Club shows, newspaper Reforma, Pinto against Colorado, Pots and Dolls, Mariachis. 2008, Exhibition contest Cultivate 2008 http://www.galeriaelcaballete.com/CAUTIVARTE_participantes/exposicion_cautivarte2008.htm 2008, exhibition contest Artexpresión http://www.artexpresion.com/artistas_latinos/2008_certiticado% 20of% 20exposicion.htm Virtual Galleries Georgia "> https://www.artelista.com/autor/9556438977436429-arguelleskubli.html http://www.artistasdelatierra.com/artistas/angelica http://angelicaarguelleskubli.blogspot.com/ http://www.artistas -americanos.com/latinos/arguelles/index.html http://platagonia.110mb.com/latinos/index_mexico.html http://malinchefusiondedosculturas.blogspot.com/ Works published in other media Villa gourmet, was used as the cover of the book Gourmant to Bancomer The Faces of Life, published in WHERE guide Mexico City Certifications Certified as a professional artist since May 2008 AICOA file by international (International Archive of Works of Art Central) Barcelona Spain. Works published in other media

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